We’re thrilled to announce that Samsung Austin Semiconductor has awarded Breakthrough a $50,000 grant to support the Breakthrough Manor Middle School Summer Program!

On Tuesday we showed our Samsung friends around Manor classrooms and a special 6th grade assembly. The students talked about their favorite Breakthrough memories, did a Slam Jam and also got to ask lots of thoughtful college/career related questions. It was a great learning opportunity for our students!

Breakthrough began its annual Summer Program on June 24. Breakthrough’s intensive Summer Program provides students who are most at-risk for summer learning loss with the academic preparation, information and opportunities they need to be successful in high school. The cornerstone of its six-year path to college, Breakthrough’s Summer Program is a five-week, full-day, academic program for rising 6th-9th graders held at the Manor Middle School campus.

\We’re so grateful to have Samsung’s support and enthusiasm for this program!