
Become An Instructional Coach

For the 2024 summer session, Breakthrough seeks outstanding professional educators to serve as Instructional Coaches for Breakthrough’s teachers (ages 17 – 23). Breakthrough Instructional Coaches set the standards of classroom teaching in our program and play a vital role in training and supporting our faculty, refining and developing the summer curriculum, and shaping Breakthrough’s learning environment.

Important Dates:

  • Instructional Coach training and curriculum planning: Wednesday 4/24 (6 pm, virtual); Saturday 4/27 (9:00 am-4:30 pm)
  • Teaching Fellow Training: June 3 – 14 (Available from 9:00 – 5:00)
  • Summer Session: June 17 – July 26 (9:00 – 2:00) *
  • Wrap-up Week: July 29 – Aug 2 (Available from 9:00 – 5:00)

*Daily times may slightly vary based on site.  Holidays are Wednesday, June 19th  in observance of Juneteenth Thursday,  July 4, and Friday, July 5th in observance of Independence Day.

COMPENSATION: $6,500 stipend base.  $7500 stipend base for instructional coaches leading 2 departments (+$250 per year of Breakthrough Central Texas Instructional Coach Experience *up to 4 years)

The application for the Summer 2024 Instructional Coach is now available.

For more information, contact Josh Duty at josh@breakthroughctx.org                                                            


Instructional Coach Spotlight: Meet Ms. Q

“When I initially began working with Breakthrough as an instructional coach, I thought my role would simply be one where I would teach young adults to be confident teachers for the summer.  In reality, Breakthrough was much, much more. The most impactful breakthroughs I’ve experienced involved observing our Teaching Fellows grasp adulting with confidence, building a Breakthrough mindset amongst students and teachers alike, and creating timeless memories through our willingness to connect rather than reject our future.”
– Quintina Gildon (Ms. Q)
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