School-Based Resources

Universities & Colleges

Austin Community College

Provides case management, financial assistance, and community referrals to eligible students who meet income guidelines in order to remove barriers to success and help students complete their education. 

Submit a request HERE


Individual and group counseling services and programs to foster life balance, develop personal and academic growth, and help maintain a safe and healthy learning environment.

Contact Information: Submit online counseling request

Location: All ACC campuses (virtual and in-person)                                                                  

Austin Community College (ACC) Amplify Center 

The Amplify Center is a clinical partnership between Austin Community College (ACC) and UT Health Austin that offers young adult-specific mental health services focused on improving overall psychological well-being. The Amplify Center takes a multidisciplinary approach providing various services in one place to avoid having to schedule multiple appointments with providers all over the city. Focus on life goals that matter to young adults. Services include therapy, employment and education support, connection to community resources, care navigation, and psychiatric consultation. 

Complete form to learn about eligibility.

Phone: 512-223-5095

Location: Eastview Campus – 3401 Webberville Rd. Austin, TX 78702

The Student Care Center access to food or a connection to community resources, including housing, transportation, legal aid, family support, and more. The Care Center has a grab and go food available to students once a week.

Phone:  512-223-7605 


Location: Highland Campus – 6101 Highland Campus Dr, Austin, TX 78752 (Building 1000, Room 2220)

First Gen Students

A federally funded program that helps students navigate their journey as a first-time college student to stay on track for graduation or transfer to a university. Active TRiO participants have an opportunity to apply for an annual $1,000 scholarship.

Services Provided:

Complete online application 

Phone: 512-223-2220


St. Edward's University

Provides short term counseling (typically 6 biweekly sessions) and groups for a variety of common life problems, such as (but not limited to) anxiety, depression, difficult life transitions, grief and loss, and social anxiety. The short term counseling focus is to develop a plan to achieve agreed upon goals by utilizing various resources and learning proven coping skills.

Phone: 512-448-8538 

Location: Health and Counseling Center 


The Monarchs Food Pantry is stocked with nonperishable and frozen foods, toiletries and school supplies. The Thrifty Topper has a variety of apparel from casual to business attire. 

Follow on Instagram for Updates @seu_thehuddle 

Phone: 512-448-8408

Location: LeMans Hall, Ground Floor 

Hours: Visit 24/7 with SEU ID.

SEU Food Rescue 

Reduces food waste by connecting students with extra food from events, meetings, etc. Donations of advertised on Instagram. 

Follow on Instagram | @seufoodrescue 

Phone: 512-448-8408

Location: CSC Community Room

Hours: 7am-11pm

Nearly one third of students at St. Edwards’s are first-generations students. St. Edward’s hosts a variety of events, resources, and social activities for first generation students. 

Texas State University

If you need additional counseling assistance, the Counseling Center has a Resource Coordinator available to work with students one-on-one to find counseling resources within the community.

Phone: 512-245-2208                                       
Location: San Marcos Campus – LBJSC 5-4.1

Mental Health/Counseling

Services include consultation, crisis response, brief counseling (virtual and in-person), group counseling, prevention activities, and educational workshops/webinars.

Phone: 512-245-2208


San Marcos Campus
LBJ Student Center Rm. 5-4.1  

Round Rock Campus
Nursing Bldg, Student Health Center, Rm. 116

Timely Care
Texas State University students have 24/7 access to virtual care services with TimelyCare — the virtual health and well-being platform designed for college students. This service is provided at no additional cost to students. Students do not need insurance to access TimelyCare services. 



On-campus student-run food pantry that takes place once a week. The cupboard is a new addition and can be accessed at any time.

Complete a Participant Survey to get started. 

Phone: 512-245-2155


Hours and Location: 

Texas State University provides various support and events for First Gen students. 


Location: San Marcos campus – Commons Dining Hall, 2nd Floor, Room 228



Student Support Services assists traditionally underrepresented students including first-generation college students, students with disabilities, and students who meet low-income guidelines.


Complete online application 

Phone: 512-245-3838


Location: San Marcos Campus – Sterry Hall 127 

Texas A&M - Bryan/College Station

General Assistance

Campus Resources 

University Health Services Community Referral

Students who are unable to get their needs met within a brief time-frame or may benefit from connecting with community resources can schedule a meeting with a University Health Services Case Management Referral Coordinator (CMRC).  A meeting with a CMRC may include:

Request a list of community resources without an appointment HERE. 

Access the Counseling & Mental Health Care Appointment Portal to schedule appointments and communicate with your provider.

Phone: 979-458-4584


Location: 471 Houston St. 1263 TAMU College Station, TX 77843

Mental Health/Counseling

Campus Resources
Campus Resources

Community Resources

Brazos Valley Food Bank 

Health and Wellness

Campus Resources

Texas A&M Student Medical Clinic 

Provides medical care for short term, acute illnesses and injuries, as well as ongoing health problems. Offers a wide range of services, such as diagnosis and treatment for allergies, cold, flue, and other respiratory infections; ace care services, strains and sprains; depression and anxiety; general and activity physicals; sexual health services; transgender care and more. Does not provide dental or out of pocket doctor’s appointments. Range usually from $15-$25 per visit. Doctor’s can provide a psychiatric referral. 

Texas A&M Health Hub on 29th St. – Psychiatry

Community Resources
Brazos County Indigent Healthcare 

Health For All


Brazos Health Resource Center 

School Districts in Texas

Austin ISD

Mental Health/Counseling

Communities In Schools of Central Texas (CIS)

Dropout prevention program that supports students with non-academic needs (poverty, domestic violence, mental health, etc.) Programming varies at each campus.

Contact Information: Reach out to individual campuses for Program Manager phone/email.


 Location: 2023-2024 Campus Listing

Wellness Counselor

Mental health professionals who provide one-on-one or group counseling on select Austin ISD campuses. 


Contact Information: Reach out to individual campuses to determine if a Wellness Counselor is on staff.

 Location: Varies per campus.


Licensed Mental Health Professional (LMHP)

Work collaboratively with families, schools, and community partners to promote students’ academic success by providing mental health and community resource support. Services may include short-term individual counseling through School Mental Health Centers

Contact Information: Referrals are made through the campus counselors, administrators, and child study teams.  

Email: For additional information on LMHP services contact Dr. Kimberly Wilson, Supervisor for LMHPs, at 

Location: LMHPs serve multiple campuses typically in vertical teams.

Austin ISD Care Solace 

 Austin ISD partnered with Care Solace which navigates the mental health care system on students/families behalf to find community-based providers and secure appointments as quickly as possible with the best care possible. Coordination services are paid for by AISD.

Search for services through Care Solace on your own HERE. 

Phone: 888-515-0595

Family Support

Austin Voices for Education and Youth (AVEY) employs a director and social worker at each center who help families in need of services (financial assistance, housing, basic needs, counseling, etc.) and connects them to resources. 

Contact Information: For general help finding a center call 512-493-4288. Directors and social workers phone numbers and email for individual centers can be found HERE. 



Parent Support Specialists (PSS)

 School district team members who helps families in need of services (financial assistance, housing, basic needs, counseling, etc.) and connect them to resources. PSSs typically are involved in PTA and campus programming supporting parents and guardians.

Contact Information: Parent Support Specialists 2023-2024 

Project HELP 

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is federal legislation that ensures the educational rights and protections of children and youth experiencing homelessness. Project HELP assists with Austin ISD transportation, referrals to community resources, free lunches and school supplies, parent and family workshops, etc.

Phone: 512-414-3690 

Location: Student Support Services at Campbell Elementary School – 2613 Rogers Ave. Austin, TX 78722 (Room 207) 

Small group classroom coaching and one-on-one mentoring in Austin ISD schools that also provides free TSI prep.

Phone: 512-637-0900 

Email: Contact Form

Location of Participating Campuses for Specific Programs:


Communities In Schools of Central Texas(CIS) 

 Dropout prevention program that supports students with non-academic needs (poverty, domestic violence, mental health, etc.) 

Contact Information: Reach out to individual campuses for Program Manager phone/email

Location: 023-2024 Campus Listing

Boys and Girls Clubs of the Austin Area 

Enables young people, between the ages of 6 and 18 to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens through after school programming. 

Complete Registration Form 

Phone: 512-444-7199 


Expect Respect 

 24-week group program for middle and high school teens that promotes healthy relationships and focuses on violence and abuse prevention.

Groups support students who:


Email: Shannon Sandrea – or 

Seedling Mentor Program 


One-on-one school-based mentoring for students with incarcerated or deported parents/caregivers. Mentors continue working with the same student each new school year and will travel to a student’s new school if they move within a certain region. 


Phone: 512-323-6371
Email: Connie Howe
Location: 2023-2024 Partner Districts and Schools 

Girls Empowerment Network 

The Radiant G Program is for girls in grades 3-12 that facilitates a research-based curriculum proven to prevent girls from high risk behaviors. 

Phone: 512-808-4044

Email: Contact Form

Location: Multiple schools in Austin ISD

Manor ISD

The Whole Child Department is committed to empowering students and families by providing a wide range of partnerships and services:


Phone: Mayra Hernandez – 512-278-4095


Mental Health/Counseling

Dropout prevention program that supports students with non-academic needs (poverty, domestic violence, mental health, etc.) Programming varies at each campus.

Contact Information: Reach out to individual campuses for Program Manager phone/email.

Location: 2023-2024 Campus Listing

Integral Care School Based Counseling


Helps students experiencing emotional challenges or mental illness. Includes one-on-one emotional support to students during and after school hours. FREE services are available year-round on-campus and in-person or virtual services continue during the summer as needed. 1-2 hour in-person intake required for guardian. 


Reach out to school counselor to begin the referral process or start services.


Integral Care Manor ISD Program Manager: Blanca Hinojosa – 512-917-9393,  


Manor ISD Director of The Whole Child, Community Partnerships and Engagement: Mayra Hernandez – 512-289-4314,     


Location: Available on all Del Valle ISD middle and high school campuses.

Family Support

School district team member who helps families in need of services (financial assistance, housing, basic needs, counseling, etc.) and connects them to resources. 

Contact Information:  Parent Liaisons 2023-2024 

Location: Elementary School Campuses


Project Hope

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is federal legislation that ensures the educational rights and protections of children and youth experiencing homelessness. Project Hope assists with Manor ISD transportation, referrals to community resources, free lunches and school supplies, parent and family workshops, etc.


Phone: Martha Gonzales, McKinney Vento Liaison – 512-278-4099 



Dropout prevention program that supports students with non-academic needs (poverty, domestic violence, mental health, etc.) 


Contact Information: Reach out to indivdiual campuses for Program Manager phone/email.

Location:   2023-2024 Campus Listing                    

Expect Respect 

24-week group program for middle and high school teens that promotes healthy relationships and focuses on violence and abuse prevention.

Groups support students who:

Email: Shannon Sandrea or 

Mentor Manor 

A school-based mentoring (one-on-one or small group) program that serves Manor ISD students in grades 2nd-12th. It empowers students in a safe and nurturing academic environment. 

Phone: 512-278-4000

Location: Multiple campuses in Manor ISD.

Girls Empowerment Network 

The Radiant G Program is for girls in grades 3-12 that facilitates a research-based curriculum proven to prevent girls from high risk behaviors. 


Phone: 512-808-4044


Email: Contact Form 


Location: Multiple schools in Manor ISD

Del Valle ISD

Mental Health/Counseling

Helps students experiencing emotional challenges or mental illness. Includes one-on-one emotional support to students during and after school hours. FREE services are available year-round on-campus and in-person or virtual services continue during the summer as needed. 1-2 hour in-person intake required for guardian. Del Valle ISD also has a therapist dedicated to working with guardians and families. 

Reach out to school counselor to begin the referral process or start services.

Location: Available on all Del Valle ISD middle and high school campuses.

Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC)

Family Support

School district team member who helps families in need of services (financial assistance, housing, basic needs, counseling, etc.) and connects them to resources. 

Contact Information: Reach out to individual campuses         

Location: Available on all Del Valle ISD campuses

McKinney Vento

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is federal legislation that ensures the educational rights and protections of children and youth experiencing homelessness. McKinney Vento assists with Del Valle ISD transportation, referrals to community resources, free lunches and school supplies, parent and family workshops, etc.

Phone: Lydia Delagarza, Homeless Liaison – 512-386-3110 


24week group program for middle and high school teens that promotes healthy relationships and focuses on violence and abuse prevention.

Groups support students who:


Email: Shannon Sandrea or 

Seedling Mentor Program 

One-on-one school-based mentoring for students with incarcerated or deported parents/caregivers. Mentors continue working with the same student each new school year and will travel to a student’s new school if they move within a certain region. 

Phone: 512-323-6371

Email: Connie Howe 

Location: 2023-2024 Partner Districts and Schools 

Girls Empowerment Network 

The Radiant G Program is for girls in grades 3-12 that facilitates a research-based curriculum proven to prevent girls from high risk behaviors. 

Phone: 512-808-4044

Email:  Contact Form

Location: Multiple schools in Del Valle ISD.