
Breakthrough Students


Our students are in need of academic support across various subjects, but particularly in STEM fields. Academic Mentors work directly with a specific middle or high school student to support their academic progress. Possible activities may include: meeting with the student once a week during lunch or after school at their campus, encouraging good study habits and organization, tutoring if able, helping student research high school or college options, and communicating regularly with the Breakthrough Case Manager about the student’s academic progress. If you can dedicate an hour a week to a student in need of a tutor, please sign up to be a volunteer.

For more information or questions, please contact volunteer@breakthroughctx.org

The most rewarding thing in life for me is to help others and Breakthrough provides excellent opportunities for me to do that…There’s no better feeling than to coach someone through a difficult situation or homework problem and see them come out on top.

-Justin Mueller