In 2019, we announced The Breakthrough Challenge – a $10 million campaign to propel us toward a new North Star: to move the needle on educational equity by doubling the number of college graduates from Central Texas’s low-income communities.

The need for this campaign is greater today than we could have ever imagined when we launched it.


That is why it means so much to be able to officially announce we have achieved our ambitious campaign goal, raising a total of $10.5 million!

These funds are providing the launch capital to help Breakthrough achieve growth, scale programs and build capacity for greater impact by 2023. Fueled by the investment of our supporters and the strength and resilience of the Breakthrough community, we are forging ahead, navigating the pandemic while remaining focused on our ambitious long-term goals.
Since the campaign launch, we have accomplished the following:  
  • Enrolled 530 new 6th graders into the program to begin their 12-year journey – more than one-third of the way to our goal of enrolling an additional 1,400 middle school students by 2023
  • Scaled our high school program to serve Del Valle ISD
  • Expanded our College Completion Program by 58% to serve 461 students and support the transition of 170 high school seniors to college — our largest class yet
  • Launched a Policy and Advocacy Practice to champion federal, state and local policies that promote equity in college attainment and support students to succeed on their path to college graduation
  • Launched our new Schoolwide Postsecondary Advising Program at Manor New Tech High School to serve 142 students in its initial year  (read more below) 
  • Established The Promise Fund – an endowment to ensure that we fulfill our 12-year promise to all Breakthrough students and families.
Every new first-generation college graduate creates an enormous ripple effect that lifts the hopes, dreams, and ambitions of their immediate and extended families and their community. We are so grateful to everyone who invested in The Breakthrough Challenge and cannot wait to see what we can continue to accomplish together in the pursuit of educational equity!