
Thank you for standing by our side in 2020!

In a year of exceptional crisis for our entire nation, many Breakthrough families found themselves among the hardest hit – facing unemployment, food and housing insecurity, and increased likelihood of exposure to COVID-19. But we called upon our community, and you stepped up. With your support, we’ve been able to respond to the needs of our students and families by:

  • Significantly increasing personalized advising and mental health support for our 2,100 students
  • Providing emergency financial assistance and technology access to more than 300 families 
  • Offering virtual summer and school-year programming that engaged students via the creation of a Summer 2020 digital time capsule, college application and scholarship workshops, community novel and meet-the-author events, academic tutoring, after-school enrichment programming, virtual field trips, civic engagement activities and a virtual college success retreat
  • Helping 171 high school seniors submit 600 college applications with 30 college acceptances already received 
  • Helping 150 freshman directing enroll in college this past fall
  • Supporting 26 additional students achieve their dream of graduating from college 

As we head into 2021 with so many uncertainties still ahead, we remain motivated every day by the strength and resilience of our entire Breakthrough community – of our students who dream, of families who love, of partners who co-conspire, and of investors like you who BELIEVE. 

Thank you for believing in Breakthrough.