
As Breakthrough’s advisors connect with our nearly 2,000 students and their families, we have heard countless stories of strength and resilience in the face of this profound crisis.

Many Breakthrough families are going to work every day, often providing essential services for our broader community. Many serve as support systems for vulnerable neighbors and family members. All are trying their best to maintain a productive, at-home learning environment that will keep their children on the path to college.

But, Breakthrough families are also among those hardest hit by this crisis – facing food shortages, unemployment, and a lack of access to reliable internet and technology.

These barriers are affecting the wellbeing of families and threaten to derail our students’ dreams of becoming the first to graduate from college. In response, we are connecting families to available community resources and filling the gaps with direct financial assistance.

The need right now is extraordinary.

Help us raise an additional $100,000 in support of 

Breakthrough students and families who need it most.

Your gift will provide increased personalized advising and direct emergency financial assistance to students and families most impacted by this crisis.

An anonymous foundation will generously match funds raised, dollar-for-dollar, up to $50,000.

We know that this crisis is bigger than us. It’s not something that we can solve or mitigate the economic repercussions our entire community will face. But we can keep our 12-year promise to our students – to help them navigate and overcome the myriad of barriers placed in their path to and through college.    

We are determined to not let the COVID-19 permanently derail our students from this path. Please join us by making a gift today.  

I’d like to help Breakthrough students and families in need.