Matching Gifts
Your gift to Breakthrough Central Texas could be matched dollar for dollar by your employer!
Many employers offer matching gift programs to encourage charitable giving. Sometimes, companies even extend their matching program to include employee volunteer hours or charitable giving made by retirees and/or employees’ spouses.
Companies including Dell, Microsoft, State Farm, AMD, SolarWinds, PwC, Google, and Gartner have matched their employees’ contributions to Breakthrough Central Texas. Please check with your company’s Human Resources Department to see if a matching program for employee donations exists. Each company has different guidelines for matching donations, and many companies use an online giving portal to facilitate gifts. If a matching gift form is provided, you can submit it to Breakthrough via email or postal mail. Breakthrough can also provide your company with an invoice if needed.
Breakthrough Central Texas
1050 E. 11th Street, Suite 350
Austin, Texas 78702
EIN Number: 74-2991346
For more information about doubling your impact through matching gifts, contact