Legacy Giving
Interested in helping students realize their college dreams beyond your lifetime?
Including Breakthrough Central Texas in your financial and estate planning will allow you to create a lasting impact for Central Texas children, with generational ripple effects that only education can provide. As you plan for your future and reflect on the legacy you would like to leave behind, please consider one of the following ways you can create more breakthroughs and realize tax and other benefits in return:
Gift in your Will or Living Trust
Here is sample bequest language to discuss with your legal or financial advisor:
“I, [name], give, devise and bequeath to Breakthrough, [federal tax ID #74-2991346], $_________ or ________% of my estate for its unrestricted use and purpose (or support of a specific purpose or program).”
Gift of Retirement Assets or Life Insurance
To name Breakthrough as a beneficiary, simply request a beneficiary designation form from your retirement plan administrator, insurance company or financial institution. These assets require separate beneficiary forms, and beneficiaries can be easily modified at any time to meet your changing needs. When you pass away, Breakthrough will receive the amount you have specified directly from the institution tax-free.
Gift of Real Estate
Before you begin the process of donating real estate, please let us know your intentions so we can make sure we will be able to accept your generous gift.
Donor-Advised Fund
Charitable Gift Annuity & Charitable Remainder Trust
This information is not intended to be used as legal or financial advice. Breakthrough recommends that you consult your appropriate professional advisors to discuss the benefits and effects of any particular charitable or tax strategy.
Helpful Information for your Advisors
Breakthrough Central Texas is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization incorporated in the State of Texas on February 14, 2001.
Legal Name: Breakthrough (d.b.a. Breakthrough Central Texas)
Tax ID: 74-2991346
Address: 1050 East 11th Street, Suite 350, Austin, TX 78702
Already included Breakthrough in your estate plan?