
In early 2017, we announced our expansion into Del Valle ISD, recruiting our first class of sixty 6th graders. These students began their journey to college by experiencing their first Breakthrough summer learning and advancing in English, math, social students and science. Check out this short video slide show, created by our AmeriCorps summer teaching fellows.

At the end of each Middle School Summer Program, we host a celebration to honor the students and families for their hard work over the summer. The video above is a tradition and represents the community building aspect of our work that is so critical to the program’s success – and it’s always a crowd favorite among the students, who love seeing themselves and their friends on the big screen!

As these 6th graders enter their fall semester, they’ll receive extended learning outside of school through after school tutoring and Saturday enrichment programs, as well as a Breakthrough champion who will be with them every step of the way for whatever they need.

 On the first day of Breakthrough I felt kind of strange and a little awkward, because I didn’t know a lot of the kids. After a couple of days, I got used to morning cheers and meeting new friends.  And I have to say that the people here, the students, teachers and instructional coaches, are unbelievably talented; I have made a lot of new friends here and they’re incredible. I met 2 new people here at Breakthrough and they are so smart it’s like they swallowed a dictionary.

Mercedes Moore, 6th Grader, Del Valle ISD

Read Mercedes full story here to hear about her excitement in starting her journey to being the first in her family to graduate from college.