
My Breakthrough Experience: Rhiannon Aleman

My Breakthrough Experience: Rhiannon Aleman

I was aware of just how tough my neighborhood was. As much as people cared for each other there were real challenges with violence and drugs. Certainly, education was not the primary focus of life. My mom, though, always supported and pushed me and I saw the struggles she faced, working long hours with a 10th grade education to provide for her family. One day I brought home a flyer about a program that promised to help me for up to 12 years until I graduate college. Guess who was the biggest Breakthrough fan in the world in 2008? Yep, my mom!

Where are they now?

Meet Jessica, a Recent Breakthrough College Graduate Leading Her Own Classroom ABOUT JESSICA Jessica Manzona-Valdez joined Breakthrough in 2007 when she was just a 6th grader in the magnet program at Kealing Middle School. She recalls listening to an info...

Breakthrough Wins Big as Benefiting Nonprofit at Start Up Games

Breakthrough Wins Big as Benefiting Nonprofit at Start Up Games

In mid-January, Breakthrough attended the Startup Games as a benefiting nonprofit, where Austin’s best startups competed in a day of games to raise money for a good cause! A big shout out to SpareFoot for taking home 2nd place! Thank you for helping create first-generation college graduates

AmeriCorps Members Give Back on Martin Luther King Jr Day

AmeriCorps Members Give Back on Martin Luther King Jr Day

On January 15, Breakthrough AmeriCorps members honored the legacy of Dr. King by volunteering alongside American YouthWorks to clean up the historic Burdett Prairie Cemetery in the Montopolis neighborhood. They joined hundreds of thousands of Americans across the country in a day of service!