What an incredible evening!
Last night, the Breakthrough community came together for the 2021 Breakthrough Benefit Concert, presented by AMD, at 3TEN ACL Live.
Amidst the music and celebration, we were honored to have Jeremiah Thompson, our guest speaker, share witty, poignant, and rich stories from his path to becoming first in his family to earn a college degree. Jeremiah reminded us that Breakthrough’s work supports educational outcomes, but only because we make long-term, relational commitments to individuals and their families:
“Breakthrough has made those ‘what ifs’ turn into ‘I can do this.’ Having someone by my side who knows me, is wise, and yes, assertive, when I need it has been the greatest gift. To this day, my mom will respond to any question I have about college, career, and life, “Call Breakthrough, call them now!”
Moved by Jeremiah’s message and the call to support postsecondary success for all students, Benefit Concert supporters donated more than $500,000. Special thanks to the Topfer Family Foundation for inspiring more giving with their $50,000 match.
Congratulations to Rebecca Lott whose name was drawn today for a Winner’s Choice Getaway for two!
We are full of gratitude for the support and hope to raise an additional $5,000 before the end of the weekend so we might walk alongside the 2,600 students currently on their path with Breakthrough and offer the same opportunity to even more students. Please help by giving a gift of any amount.
We are so grateful for you and your support for Breakthrough.
Michael Griffith
Executive Director